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From: Jayrell Ringpis, Snoice Owner

2020 tried to break us, but here we are!

The lights from our village tend to shine brighter in the most trying times. We’ve lost so much and the world doesn’t seem the same. But if there’s anything we’ve learned this year, it’s that love shines through when we need it most.

This post references a wonderful write-up by our dear friend, Candice, on the expansion of Snoice, and it hits all that needs to be said to the Eater’s wonderful foodie audience. There’s a lot to be excited about, but my favorite part is how she points to our humble beginnings.

And so when people are not too shy to ask us -

Why (or how) are you guys opening during a pandemic?

The answer is: Family (& Family)

The unconditional loyalty and support that we received since day one is what has brought us to this point, and continues to propel us forward. To our parents, siblings, and friends helping us with anything and everything - and the team members, partners, and supporters from our hometown who have shared their vibes and contributed along the way... we are eternally grateful.

We started this project to build an environment for our children to grow up in. A fun and collaborative place where they can gather with friends, listen to untold stories about their roots from their grandparents, and discover themselves within their neighborhood.

The commitment to double down on that mission in the bleakest of times is an opportunity that we can take because of the strength of our own. As members of a larger community of color, we don’t take that collective pride and responsibility lightly.

Our comrades in the Convoy District have been pushing the envelope for Asian-American representation in SoCal, and they’ve welcomed us with open arms. Despite the challenges, they are not only fighting for the businesses they built from scratch, but for the roots and legacies they built it upon and for their families future.

We do this for our fam. We do this because we will always hope and believe in you. We do this because we can’t settle for anything less.

This year hasn’t been easy by any means and we know this is bigger than us, so thank you for shining your love on us.

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